Friday, October 19, 2012

It's time for some confessions

Everyone out there has done this at least once in their life, if not more. The following list is everything going through my 'life' right now.

  1. Procrastination. That's right, I'm a huge procrastinator, and I can't help it. There are just so many more interesting things to do!
  2. Boredom. Yep, that too. But who hasn't ever been bored in their life? I'm bored on a daily basis. Right now I'm making an animation and it's so boring because I'm just shrinking down the characters as they run, and dragging the snowflakes across the screen. How boring!?
  3. Projects. Yeesh! If there is one thing I hate, it's projects. Sometimes they're self-inflicted, such as this charcoal sketch I want to do of my dog. I thought of that idea weeks ago, and I still haven't even started. Or they can be assigned to you, like this animation project I have to do, or the five zillion photography projects, or this AP US project I have to work on tomorrow with a group of friends.
  4. Stage Fright. I'm a completely shy girl. I don't dance, I don't sing, and I don't act. Not only do I not like doing those things, but I stink at them too. Tomorrow two of my friends are coming over to film our video project for AP US. Not only that, but everyone in the group has to be on camera. This is going to be fun. 
  5. People who think they're right, no matter what. This is a major thing right now. Remember that Digital Photography class I mentioned above? Well, my teacher is like this. When we started the semester, she emailed me saying I need to update my email. We went through like 10 messages bickering over how I already did it and how my correct email was in there, and her saying I needed to go check because she had to go through the school to message me. In the end, she said she was sorry because my email was right. But that's only the first instance! Right now I have three zeros for projects I've already completed, and she won't correct the grades! Gah! This irritates me so much!
So.. I guess I'm procrastinating from my procrastinating, because I still have only done 57 of the 100 required cells for my animation. Whoop de do. Talk to you guys later, I have to get to work :/

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sudden Urges

Okay, I am going to have to change some stuff about this blog. From now on, I won't be doing book reviews, but I will rave or rant about them. I'm just going to talk about me, regarding books and writing. My thoughts and ideas.

With that said, I have the sudden urge to write a book like Lord of the Rings. Not exactly it, in case you were wondering. Have you ever seen the movies? My mom has a replica necklace from The Lord of the Rings, belonging to one of the elves. Arwin, I think it was. But I was just looking at these jewelry from someone on, and it looks eerily similiar. Lunarieen is her name (Click on the link for photos of her jewelry). Anyway, it's made me realize that I can picture myself in the future with my sister designing jewelry for my book, as she has an interest in that kind of stuff, and I'm hiring models wearing it for the cover of my book.

It probably won't happen, but hey, you can always dream. First off, I'd need to write that book, and I have a  tiring habit where I begin a book with a great idea, but leave off shortly afterward when I get stuck. It's very irritating. I've started many books and get stuck in a conflict with no direction of where I'm heading with this story.

My sister volunteered the idea of a romance novel with mythical characters, because I have another quirk that I can only write when the characters have something wrong with them, such as being a faerie, or elf, or something peculiar. But don't all main character's do? In every story you come across, there has got to be something wrong with the main character. In Amanda Hocking's book My Blood Approves, her main character Alice is bonded with Jack, err, Peter. See, she's different. She's special. Every main character has to have something wrong with them, or there wouldn't be a story about them in the first place.

So, I'll be back. I make no promises unless I intend to keep them. Until then, bye everyone!

Monday, October 1, 2012


Okay, before you think this is a new review for another book I've read, I'm sorry to say I won't be doing one in this post. But, I have read a book I loved called Beautiful Disaster, and I'll review it later on.

Now, onto what this post was really about. I'm so happy for some of my favorite authors. I've discovered a few that were self-published and were published by various companies. My first being Amanda Hocking. I discovered her with her book, My Blood Approves and have been hooked ever since. Recently, with her Trylle Series, she was published by Macmillan. When I found out, I was overjoyed. Even though the prices of her books were about to go up, she was being discovered and bringing herself up in the world of books. I'm happy to be one of the many who found her before the publishers did.

Another of my favorite authors, Rebecca Donovan, is getting published too! She's been discovered by Penguin before the release of her third book in her series, which happens to be released this Friday, October 5th!

Okay, that's it for now! I'll check back in with you guys later, when I think of something else to say. Until then, au revoir!